2013年12月6日 星期五

Travel English - Finding the Gate 找尋到登機門

They will usually tell you what gate you should go to, but if you need to ask again, I will provide an example question. Also, you might need to ask someone where the gate is located. 他們通常都會告訴您哪個登機門但是如果你需要再問一次,請看以下範例。您也許也需要詢問其他人登機門的位置。

"Which gate did you say it was?" (您說的登機門是哪一個呢?)
"What was the gate number again?" (登機號碼是哪一個呢?)

"Can you point me towards the gate?" (您能指出登機門嗎?)
"How do I get to the gate again?" (我該如何抵達登機門呢?)
"How do I get to gate C2?" (我該如何抵達登機門C2呢?)
"Where is gate C2?" (登機門C2在哪裡呢?)

