自助行 必學旅遊英文會話句子
Good morning. 早安!Good afternoon. 午安!
Good evening. 晚安!
Hello / Hi / Hey. 嗨~~
How are you? / How is it going? 您好嗎?
I would like… 我想要...(記住千萬不要使用 I want ...,這是沒有禮貌的句法)
*舉例: 假如您口渴,可以說“I would like some water.”
What time is my flight? 我的班機幾點?
What airline am I flying? 我要搭乘的航空是哪家呢?
Where is my gate? 我的登機門在哪裡呢?
Where is the restroom? 廁所在哪裡呢?
How much does the magazine cost? 雜誌多少錢呢?
*magazine可以改為你要買的東西舉例: water bottle, snack 或是 book.
Are meals included? 包含餐點嗎?May I have something to eat/drink? 我可以吃/ 喝食物嗎?
May I purchase headphones? 我可以購買耳機嗎?
What time is it? 現在幾點?
I have a connecting flight. 我要搭乘轉接班機。I am traveling for leisure. 我是度假旅遊。
I am traveling for work. 我是因為工作來旅遊。
I will be here for ___ days. 我會在這裡___天。
I am visiting family. 我是拜訪我的家人。
I am staying at _____. 我會待在________。
Do you have a map? 您有地圖嗎?Where is the bus stop? 公車站在哪裡呢?
Where is the currency exchange? 哪裡有貨幣兌換呢?
I would like to go to _____. 我想去______。
Where can I find a taxi? 我可以在哪裡搭乘計程車呢?
Do you know where this hotel is? 您知道這間飯店在哪裡呢?
I don’t understand. 我不了解。
您也可以說“I don’t speak English very well” 我英文說的不好。
然後可以在跟外國人說“please speak slowly” 請您說慢點。
Does the room have a bathroom? 房間有浴室嗎?How many beds are in the room? 房間有幾張床呢?
I would like two double beds, please. 我想要2張雙人床。
I would like one queen bed, please. 我想要一張大號雙人床。
Where are the elevators? 電梯在哪裡呢?
What floor am I on? 我現在在哪一層樓呢?
Is there free breakfast? 有免費的早餐嗎?
How do I access the Internet? 我該如何上網呢?
My room needs towels. 我的房間需要毛巾。
My room is messy, and I would like it cleaned. 我的房間很髒亂,請清潔。
How do I call for room service? 要如何打電話給客房服務呢?
How do I call down to the front desk? 要如何打電話給櫃檯呢?
Where can I find a grocery store? 哪裡有雜貨店呢?Where is the hospital? 醫院在哪裡呢?
Where can I find a restaurant? 哪裡有餐廳呢?
Where is the bank? 銀行在哪裡呢?
How do you get to ____? 我如何去_________?
How far is it to _____? 去_______多遠呢?
- It’s to the right. 你想去的地方在右手邊。.
- It’s to the left. 你想去的地方在左手邊。
- It’s straight ahead. 您要去的地方直走。
- It’s at the corner. 你要去的地方在兩條路的交接處。
- It’s two blocks ahead (or three blocks, or four…). 您要去的地方在2個街區。
A table for two/four. 2人/4人桌。I would like to drink… 我想要喝 .... 你可以填入你要的飲品例如: water, soda pop(carbonated sweet drinks), beer and wine
May I see a menu? 我可以看一下菜單嗎?
I would like to order ____. 我想要點___________。
- I’ll have soup. .
- I’ll have a salad.
- I’ll have a hamburger.
- I’ll have chicken.
- I’ll have an appetizer.
- I would like dessert.